
Showing posts from August, 2008

How To Setup a Ubuntu to Ubuntu Or Windows Lan Via Lan Cable Or Wifi in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Setting Up Lan in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is simple. To create lan to linux or windows computer you must install SAMBA. 1)To get samba,samba gui tool and related packages type in ubuntu 9.10 terminal. sudo apt-get install samba samba-common smbclient smbfs samba-dbg system-config-samba gsambad 2)Share folders Take System->Admiistration->Samba.Click Add Share.Then browse to folder you want to share. 3)Set STATIC IP Take System->Admiistration->Network. Take Wireless connection or Wired Connection as u prefer. Select Static IP. Type Ip address Dns In other computer type Ip address Dns Now close network Now people think the other computer must appear in Places->Network,As in windows.But actually it wont happen in linux. To view shared folder of other computer take. Type in terminal: nautilus Now you will get a window,in its address bar type smb:// Note: The given ip is Ip adress of the computer we wa...

How To Compile Source Code In Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Compiling Software in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala is easy! If you have a source code,to make it an application program, you must first compile it.The advantage of distributing software is that you can use it any linux distro,as u already know deb file is only for debian based linux like ubuntu.Rpm is for red hat based fedora suse etc. The source code is usally available in two forms of tar balls. 1)Tar.gz 2)Tar.bz2 To complie source code we need system software called compilers.By default they are not given in ubuntu so to get all the compliers in one go type in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala console: sudo apt-get install build-essential Now you are ready to complile source code.I recommend first u read README file. To complie source code in tar.gz format 1)tar -xzf file_folder.tar.gz 2)cd file_folder 3)./configure --prefix=/usr NOTE:If you already have the source configured you will see make file in some directory,you can skip this ...

Is Anti-VIrus Required In Linux??

People new to linux after installing first ask about anti-virus,when they are told that its not required they show disbelief thinking that its a big lie.The are convinced that Anti virus is must as in windows. Viruses in are spread by Instant messengers,cookies,email softwares or portable drives which takes the malware from infected machines and place it in our system.They are very likely to be executed as there is no authorization required for executing applications in Non-Linux Os. Microsoft created windows to enable others to run applications on your computer.Bill says that this architecture enriches the user experience if a website can do "cool" stuff on your system. The only people who have any advantage with this design are anti-virus makers and other security providing companies. In linux its not the case,as users are allowed to login with some limited privilege only.If one need to install software we must grant root privilege by typing root password.The root passw...

Best Way To Restore Lost Grub or Boot Menu In Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

I had a really bad experience about 2 years ago when i was new to linux.I reinstalled windows XP.When i reboooted i lost grub.I had no way to boot my sweet ubuntu.I was really disappointed,ubuntu just vanished into thin air.I inserted ubuntu Live cd then procceded till i almost have installed linux i dont know why but i made Boot Flag "True" for Linux partion and tried to installed grub again.When I rebooted to my horror it showed "No Operating System Found".I lost XP also!!!!!!!I was really in a Worser situation.My friends couldnt help me.I didnt had a internet connection then to search for a solution so I had to reinstall Windows and ubuntu linux.What a bad day i had. But Later When my friend had the same problem,i found an very easy way,to solve the issue in a quick way without even using live cd. All thanks to Auto Super Grub disk. I suggest not to use live cd and type atleast 10 commands and end up nowhere.If u do so and change Boot Flag or Some thing U are wel...

Fix Frozen Desktop or Application In Ubuntu Linux

Linux is Very Stable operating system unlike windows.It have very less crashes,stuckes and freezes which is very common with windows.But at rare cases this may occur in Linux. We have 3 Quick ways to fix this problem without switching off your computer or rebooting it. 1)If only some applications are not responding not the whole desktop is frozen Take system->Administartion->System Monitor. Then select the frozen application.Now click Kill process. 2)Try the key combination of Ctrl + Alt + Backspace to logout.Then login. 3)Use Virtual console This way is little complicated than the first one but better method.Press Ctrl + Alt + F2 to take the virtual console.Then log in and type: ps -ax | grep startx This command will return the PID of the Xserver. Kill Xserver kill -9 PID_Number Return to your first console. Press Alt + F1.

How To Auto Mount Windows Or Mac Partion in Ubuntu linux 9.10 at StartUp

Ubuntu 9.10 or none of linux distros wont automatically mount Windows Or Mac Partion at startup and you will need to authenticate mounting each time.It will certainly cause difficulties to the user.If you need ubuntu 9.10 to mount these drives at startup with no need to open My Computer(or going to "media") and clicking on the icons to mount these drives,and this way to avoid those applications to getting errors when they're opened before making these drives from being mounted.The method is same for every linux distro. You can make Linux automatically mount them by editing the fstab file. This method will preventing the other os drives from appearing as icon on desktop when mounted and cause disoder in ur desktop... step 1)Make folders to mount the drives Type: sudo mkdir /media/nameofdisc "nameofdisc" you can choice as u like.Note to give differnt names. Do this once for each of the your partitions you need to mount. 2)Edit fstab, if you don't want to use n...

How To install Wireless( WIFI ) Driver In Linux

Installing Wifi driver in Linux is considered a difficult task.After 2 days of googling i finally studied the method to install wireless driver in Linux and got WiFi right in my DELL XPS M1530.So i decided to blog to make it easy to install WIfi driver. Download: Get the latest version of the ndiswrapper sources from and extract it to home folder. Open terminal: We need system software to compile a source code. Type: sudo apt-get install build-essential Go to the ndiswrapper folder using cd command. cd ndiswrapper-1.53 make distclean make Now become root.Type sudo su u will be asked for login(root) password. Type: make install Now u have installed ndiswrapper. Now identify ur wireless card. Type: lspci Name of ur card will be dispalyed. Now go to this link and find your card from the list and download the windows driver.,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/ now unpack the driv...

How To Do C and C++ Programming in Ubuntu 8.10 Linux

Open console and type: sudo apt-get install g++ g++-4.2 If you want an IDE like Turbo C in windows: Type: sudo apt-get install geany GEANY is a good C programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in linux like turbo c in windows.Take geany from Programming tab. If you dont want an IDE you must use console to complie ur program.Enter the program in a text editor.Save it with extension .c 0r c++. To compile a C or C++ Program. open terminal The go to the directory using cd command.Type: g++ fileaname.c or g++ filename.c++ Then ./a.out I Prefer using Geany,You can avoid the commands.

Easy Way To Install ATI or NVIDIA GEFORCE Graphics Card In Ubuntu Linux 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

Manually downloading driver from Nvidia or Ati site and installing by typing many commands is a difficult way for any choose this easy way. Intrepid Iblex Or Hardy Heron User: Take System->Administration->Synaptic package manager. Install EnvyNG package. Other User: Get envy from Then from system tools take EnvyNG. Select Nvidia or ATI .Then this software will automatically identify your card and download automatically the required drivers from internet.After that just restart the system. You can now enable Compiz Fusion,Which gives u awesome desktop effects. Click here to view my blog on Installing Compiz Fusion Desktop Effects. Njoy Linux Gaming!!!